#7: 7 Job Share Myths Debunked

  Listen on…   Debunking these 7 job share myths is key before proposing a job share to your employer. Don’t let other people’s misconceptions stand in your way of job sharing. These commonly held beliefs hold a majority of people who’ve   Read more

5 Reasons Your Boss Will Say “Yes!” to Your Job Share

how the pandemic changed work With the largest change in American working and living arrangements since World War II, your boss and company are more likely to consider job sharing, familiar or not. The pandemic didn’t just change the way   Read more

3 Steps to Simplify Finding Your Job Share Partner

3 Steps to simplify finding your job share partner & 3 things standing in your way of doing it Job sharing can seem complicated, but the reality is once you’ve put your plan in place, it is simple. In this   Read more

Half Your Workload, Caregiving, and Mental Load With Job Sharing

3 million women have been pushed out of the workforce What if I told you that you could more than survive this pandemic and half your workload, caregiving, and mental load with job sharing? I want you to hear this   Read more

3 Mindset Shifts for Job Sharing at the Top

3 Mindset Shifts for Job Share at the Top (And How to level up *in* a job share) The pandemic has transformed the way the entire world works and lives. And it’s taken a toll on all of us, all   Read more