#7: 7 Job Share Myths Debunked

  Listen on…   Debunking these 7 job share myths is key before proposing a job share to your employer. Don’t let other people’s misconceptions stand in your way of job sharing. These commonly held beliefs hold a majority of people who’ve   Read more

#6: A Visualization Exercise: What’s It Really Like to Job Share?

  Listen on…   This powerful visualization exercise will help you envision what it’s like to work in a job share in under 15 minutes. There are several barriers to job sharing that those interested in sharing roles need to overcome,   Read more

7 Ways to Teach Stakeholders to Work with Your Job Share

why you need to teach stakeholders As companies prioritize employee well-being, job sharing—a practice where two individuals share the responsibilities of one full-time role—is on the rise. Due to its rarity, job sharers often need to teach stakeholders to work   Read more

5 Reasons Your Boss Will Say “Yes!” to Your Job Share

how the pandemic changed work With the largest change in American working and living arrangements since World War II, your boss and company are more likely to consider job sharing, familiar or not. The pandemic didn’t just change the way   Read more

3 Steps to Simplify Finding Your Job Share Partner

3 Steps to simplify finding your job share partner & 3 things standing in your way of doing it Job sharing can seem complicated, but the reality is once you’ve put your plan in place, it is simple. In this   Read more