#20: Job Sharing: Safeguard Your Job, Switch Careers, and Find Flexibility in a Tough Job Market


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A proactive and innovative approach to safeguard your job or secure one in a tough job market with job sharing.
Jobshare Revolution Episode 20: Job Sharing: Safeguard Your Job, Switch Careers, and Find Flexibility in a Tough Job Market

What if you could safeguard your job to prevent a layoff, switch careers, or even navigate a tough job market more easily while finding flexibility for real work-life balance?

This episode is Part II of a two-part series inspired by concerns about return-to-work mandates, low morale, looming layoff rumors, or worse, actual layoffs by my Ladies of Brilliance tribe, our Work Muse community, and clients. In Episode 19, I share my best advice for how to keep your goals on track, despite a less-than-supportive environment.

In episode 20, I dive deep into three specific innovative strategies to prevent being laid off or to navigate a tricky job search in a tough job market while building in your flexibility with job sharing. You might even find yourself amazed by how job sharing could simplify this whole tricky job time.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

Grab a coffee, grab a pen for notes, and get cozy for Episode 20 as I dive into:

  • [2:02] Years into the “tech-session,” women are being affected more in the current job climate, in discriminatory ways even. Job sharing could be their ticket to job security with flexibility.
  • [4:08] How to take a proactive versus reactive approach in a tough job market or more challenging work environment.
  • [4:55] Three ways your employer can benefit from job sharing during workplace instability while safeguarding your job in the event of looming layoffs.
  • [8:06] My top five tips for switching careers in a tough job climate and how job sharing can alleviate challenges when changing careers while upskilling you on the job.
  • [10:46] Practical advice and five tips if you’ve been laid off for approaching your job search holistically to find the right employer.

Listen in because the time to make your next bold move for your career and life is now! Your job share is just waiting to transform your life

Grab our FREE Guide: The Work Muse Guide to Job Sharing: The Step-by-Step Blueprint to Creating a Successful Job Share

The Work Muse Guide to Job Sharing

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Melissa Nicholson job shared for nearly a decade and is the Founder & CEO of Work Muse. Work Muse drives the adoption of job sharing in business as a source of competitive advantage while helping individuals find work-life balance. Join the #JobshareRevolution here.




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