#14: Job Share Doubt: Will Job Sharing Work in My Job?


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Why job sharing works in most jobs and industries And it’s likely to work in yours.

Have you wondered if job sharing can work in your job? Or whether job sharing can work in your industry? Today, we dispel this myth with research and evidence of the breadth of roles and industries job sharing can and has worked in, and why it is very likely to work in your job.

I’ve discovered there are five reasons people are weary about creating, selling, and getting approval for their job share. So what are the five reasons? I can tell you what they are because they come up time and time again. They are that they don’t have enough time, the right job, boss, or a partner to do it with, or that they can’t afford to do it. I’m excited to kick off my Myth Busters series to address each of these myths starting with Myth #1: “I don’t have time to create a job share” before a deep dive into Myth #2: “Job sharing won’t work in my job.”

Here’s a glance at this episode:

In Episode 14, I dive into:

  • [5:42 ] The five myths that come up time and time again around job sharing
  • [6:20 ] I dispel Myth #1 and break down why you can’t afford to wait to job share if you think creating a job share will take too much time—and why, you also cannot wait for the right timing to job share.
  • [10:21] Why Myth #2 has fooled many people into believing job sharing will not work in their specific job or industry versus the reality of how many companies offer job sharing, and why you don’t know more people doing it.
  • [12:54] Why job sharing seems complicated to those without experience, but is simple in practice.
  • [13:25]Which kinds of jobs research proves job sharing works in
  • [13:53] An exercise to challenge you to understand how your job can be shared and why you must set your ego aside to do it.
  • [16:46] Numerous well-documented industries and types of roles that job sharing can and has worked in.
  • [19:16 ] Why job sharing has moved up the payscale and become more prevalent in mid-to-senior roles and why the trend for co-leadership is gaining steam.
  • [20:33] The steps new job sharers should take before job sharing to set up their job shares for success.

Listen in because the time to make your next bold move for your career and life is now! Your job share is just waiting to transform your life

Click here to listen!

GRAB YOUR SPOT FOR JUST $27!! Doors are Open for Jobshare Jumpstart: A LIVE Job Share Creation Bootcamp

Jobshare Jumpstart: A Live Job Share Creation Bootcamp

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Melissa Nicholson job shared for nearly a decade and is the Founder & CEO of Work Muse. Work Muse drives the adoption of job sharing in business as a source of competitive advantage while helping individuals find work-life balance. Join the #JobshareRevolution here.



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