#22: Election Week Self-Care Strategies: Building Resilience and Finding Hope for Care


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steal My election week self-care strategies
Jobshare Revolution podcast Episode 22: Election Week Self-Care Strategies: Building Resilience and Finding Hope for Care

My election week self-care strategies to stay sane over the next week— infused with a big dose of hope for Care.

As we wrap up our 10-part lesson-focused series I’m calling Reaching Your Goals Despite [Fill in the blank – i.e. all we’ve been through/return to work mandates/layoffs etc.] and we hold onto our seats for the election of a lifetime, I am more hopeful for CARE than ever.

With the untenable childcare and eldercare crisis pushing caregivers to the brink, we are at a tipping point that policymakers and companies can no longer ignore.

Fresh off a roundtable for care leaders on the Austin leg of The Care Gap’s Global Tour, I’m energized by those doing the work and the ideas flowing to close the care gap together. During election week, I’m feeling more hopeful about closing the Care Gap than ever. Kamala Harris is centering Care in her campaign. Nancy Pelosi says a Care Agenda will make the biggest difference in our economy. We are SO CLOSE.

In episode 22, I’m sharing my self-care strategies to help me stay sane over the next week (including my back-pocket bonus strategy juuust in case…)


As we wrap our 10-part series for a short Jobshare Revolution podcast pause over the next few months, we are up to BIG THINGS at Work Muse and can’t wait to bring them to you in the New Year with all new Jobshare Revolution episodes! Want more before then?  Join Work Muse Newsletter to stay up to speed weekly (it’s not your ordinary newsletter – get ready to go deep and LOL!)

We’ve all been through a lot over the past several years, and you may be feeling election PTSD coming on like I am. Grab your fuzzy slippers, coziest PJs, and favorite comfort items…

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [4:43] Why we are at a care crossroads, The Care Gap Global Tour and why I believe hope is on the horizon for change.
  • [8:41] Election week self-care strategy #1: The hall pass I’m giving myself over the coming week.
  • [9:18] Election week self-care strategy #2: I walk you through the SHIFT framework for security that workplace strategist Rachael Ellison teaches, and I’m using, to put my oxygen mask on and self-regulate this week.
  • [13:36] Election week self-care strategy #3 and my back-pocket bonus strategy juuust in case: The thing that makes the biggest difference for relieving my election week stress.
  • [12:43] The sign I got just before recording this podcast episode that a Care Agenda is on the horizon.

Listen in because the time to make your next bold move for your career and life is now! Your job share is just waiting to transform your life


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Melissa Nicholson job shared for nearly a decade and is the Founder & CEO of Work Muse. Work Muse drives the adoption of job sharing in business as a source of competitive advantage while helping individuals find work-life balance. Join the #JobshareRevolution here.




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